What to Do If Your Main Line Drain is Clogged

Are you anxious after seeing water backing up in your Miami home? After all, who wouldn’t worry when they see water piling up in their home? The truth is this could be a sign of a serious problem—a clogged main line drain.

Understanding the signs of a main line sewer drain clog can help you identify whether or not this is the issue you’re dealing with in your Florida home. If you would rather leave our Paradise Plumbing & Air Conditioning plumbing professionals to the investigating, then give us a call so we can step in and tackle the problem for you.

After all, a clogged drain resulting in water backing up could lead to flooding or leaks. Imagine all the water—and money—that could go to waste! In fact, the US Environment Protection Agency reports almost one trillion gallons of water is wasted every single year due to leaks in the home.

Is My Sewer Line Drain Clogged?

In addition to water or sewage backing up into your home, there are several other indicators of having a clogged sewer line. If you think this is what you could be dealing with, then you may also be experiencing the following:

If you notice any of the above signs, you could have a clogged sewer drain, but you will need proper inspection and diagnosis from our Paradise Plumbing & Air Conditioning professionals to be certain. Reach out to get your immediate plumbing needs taken care of before the issue progresses and becomes an even greater problem.

Causes of Clogged Main Line Drain

After seeing water backing up into your home or smelling a pungent scent, you may feel helpless and wonder how this sewage drain clog could have possibly happened.

Understand this can happen for many different reasons—some of which are out of your control. Some common causes of a clogged sewage drain include:

Even if you can’t figure out why this happened, our Paradise Plumbing & Air Conditioning experts are here to provide solutions to your problem and offer recommendations on what you can do to reduce the risk of this happening in the future in your Miami home.

Solutions for Sewer Drain Clogs

The most expedient action to take if you have a backup like this or suspect your main line is clogged is to contact our Paradise Plumbing & Air Conditioning professionals immediately. We have plumbing-industry tools to clean and clear out clogged sewer lines, including drain snakes and cables as well as high-pressure hoses. This process is known as cabling or snaking your main line.

With our experience and essential equipment capable of pushing out troublesome debris and buildup, our team can get your plumbing back to working order in no time.

To help prevent this from recurring and to promote healthy plumbing, we recommend using an enzymatic and bacterial drain cleaner. This type of product only eats organic matter and won’t damage metal or plastic the way some harsh drain cleaners do. Talk to us about our recommendation about what would work best for your home’s plumbing and scenario.

Ready to Put an End to Your Plumbing Problems? Call Paradise Plumbing & Air Conditioning Today

Dealing with a plumbing issue, like a clogged main line drain, can be stressful, but correcting it can be as simple as calling our Paradise Plumbing & Air Conditioning plumbing specialists in Miami, FL. Contact our team by phone at (954) 563-0110 or request service online and we will reach out to you.

Why Do My Drains Keep Clogging?

Are you dealing with one toilet clog after another? Or is your kitchen sink drain clogging more often than it should be?

A clogged drain is never convenient!

You want to keep all of your Boca Raton home’s plumbing equipment in good shape for your comfort, convenience, health, and safety.

Our Paradise Service Technologies professionals place great emphasis on your well-being. We offer trusted plumbing installation, replacement, repair, and maintenance services to residents throughout Florida.

Whether you’re dealing with a clogged drain, burst pipe, or sewer line problem, our plumbing professionals are here for you. We can take care of any plumbing problem or concern and work hard to help prevent issues from occurring in the first place. Give us a call!

What Causes Clogged Drains?

One of the most common causes of a kitchen drain clog is too much food getting stuck in your drain. Avoid pouring oil, coffee grounds, bones, eggshells, and other tough foods (or non-food items like paint) to reduce the likelihood of a clog.

Flushing foreign objects and other non-flushable items down the toilet can also result in a clog.

Avoid flushing wipes, feminine hygiene products, cotton swabs, and other paper items into your plumbing system, even if the labeling claims they are flushable.

Upgrading your toilet can reduce the chances of a clog—and help you save money too. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports the average homeowner could save about $140 per year by replacing an outdated toilet with a more water-efficient model.

The bathtub and shower drain often clogs due to a buildup of dirt, soap scum, and hair.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD), the average person sheds approximately 50 to 100 strands of hair a day. Imagine how much of this ends up in your tub or shower—it’s no wonder why your drain gets clogged!

How to Prevent Drain Clogs

If your drains keep clogging regularly, there are some actions you can take, such as:

Frequently clogged drains also may indicate another issue with your home’s plumbing system. If you are concerned about an issue with your main sewer line or need our professionals to inspect and unclog your drains, we are here to offer our support and assistance. Give our experts a call! We are happy to help.

Turn to Our Plumbing Professionals Today

When it comes to your Boca Raton, Florida, home’s plumbing system, our Paradise Service Technologies experts are ready to step in. Call us today at 954-563-0110 or request service online.